Heal through nature

You are a unique combination of ancestral DNA and novel experiences, making you an Ancient Original.

All life has much in common. How you thrive is exclusive to you.

I take a holistic approach to health that goes deeper than nutrition and exercise. Using the truths of quantum and circadian biology, I help clients realign with nature, so that the body can heal itself and reverse chronic dis-ease. We cut through all the biased, confusing, and conflicting advice, and get you the results you’ve been struggling to reach.

Every client starts with my Circadian Sync protocol which synchronizes your hormone and digestive systems with the time of day through the signals of light in the eyes and on the skin. From there I create a personal and comprehensive lifestyle program that targets the needs of each individual.

Ancient wisdom for a new age

You are not broken, but your primal biology is clashing with your modern lifestyle. I provide education and resources so that you understand how our biology works, and why you might change or implement certain things. You will be the one to reverse your chronic dis-ease and heal yourself through the application of circadian and quantum biological principles.

As we work together, you will likely notice that quantum science is validating a lot of the traditions that our ancestors lived by. Scientific inquiry is important, however, I believe there are aspects to wellness that are ancient, intuitive, and do not required peer review evidence for safety and efficacy. We are born of nature, and designed to thrive here.

Learn to advocate for yourself

I have worked in the conventional healthcare system in emergency care, research, and hospital administration. I understand how it operates. Modern medicine is based on masking symptoms and does not address the root cause. Scalpels and pills can be necessary, but if you have scrolled this far, you’ve likely experienced that these always create another “side-effect” or problem.

If you are working within the allopathic model for a serious condition, I will provide education and scientific resources so that you can better communicate with your physician, and most importantly, empower you to advocate for yourself.