My Story

Hi, I’m Emilly. As a student and early into my career, I was chronically tired, had digestive issues, and was slowly gaining weight. I thought I wanted to be a doctor, and took all my pre-med courses, but when l started working in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital, I saw that this wasn’t for me. I worked mostly evenings and nights, and experienced the awful reality of chronic circadian disruption, and realized that this would be something I’d have to do for the rest of my life if I wanted to provide the type of care that interested me at the time. (There are certainly important roles in society that require people to work different shifts, so I commend those who do it. Shift workers need even more support due to the regular circadian mismatches in their life). I also noticed the pattern of repeat “customers.” The doors to the hospital were revolving, both literally and figuratively. Aside from some cases of physical trauma, patients rarely, if ever, got completely better.

I worked within our “health” care system for over a decade; in emergency care, research, and corporate administration. I know how it operates. Modern, allopathic medicine has nothing to do with health - it’s not even on the menu. In emergencies or extreme levels of illness, scalpels and pills can be necessary, but as we all know, there is always another “side-effect” created. This model relies on there being something wrong with you, and creates a relationship of dependence.

I became very disillusioned with our system, and witnessed it fail and cause further harm time and time again.

Finally, when a family member received a very severe diagnosis, seemingly out of the blue, and was told they would need to be on extremely potent pharmaceuticals for the rest of their life, and would ultimately need surgery, I started to REALLY question things. This diagnosis came after minimal and inconclusive testing, and it blew my mind how quick they were to sentence you for the rest of your life, based on a few symptoms. I started reading books and research papers related to the condition, and it didn’t take long to figure out that there most certainly are lifestyle factors that contribute. Patients did not have to go down the allopathic road of pills, injections, surgeries and side-effects - the diagnosis did not have to be the terrible life sentence it initially felt like.

I took this experience, and started to apply this research strategy and perspective to many other diagnoses, and more broadly to health, longevity, and vitality. I figured out what is most foundational, and what tools and supplements can be very helpful. I learned that every symptom is an intelligent reaction to the signals our body receives - there is nothing innately wrong with you.

For as long as I can remember, I have been passionate about human health, and study it obsessively. In university, my focus was on biology and medical science, and this foundation provided the ability to comprehend scientific literature and discern between quality findings and bullshit. Over the last 15 years I have kept on top of the latest research and health trends, and have found one area that truly and holistically explains our current health crisis - quantum and circadian biology.

Today, and for the last several years, I feel like I’m thriving. I have tons of energy throughout the day, I am balanced hormonally, and have a healthy, regulated nervous system. I am tired at night (as we should be!) and sleep amazingly well. Almost effortlessly, I maintain a healthy body composition, without following a super restrictive diet and wasting my time in the gym. Health is a journey, not a destination, so I am still constantly adapting to life.

I have helped people with diagnoses like Crohn’s, TBI/concussion, anxiety, PCOS, hypothyroid, and diabetes navigate “the system” and heal themselves to where no medications are necessary and life is pleasurable again. I also work with many people who feel pretty good, but want to reach the next level of vitality and truly flourish in this lifetime.

I do not heal anyone. You are your own healer, and I am a vessel of information, a fulcrum for you to pivot on, and a supportive soul.